Hundehaltung in der Stadt Teil 1: Geistige Vorarbeit

Viele Hundefans überlegen die aktuelle Pandemie-Situation zu nutzen, um endlich einen Hund in ihrer Familie aufzunehmen. Homeoffice und mangelnde eingeschränkte Aktivitäten lassen die Nutzung der unerwarteten Freizeit als optimale Zeit erscheinen, einer knuffigen Fellnase ein neues Zuhause zu geben...

From Zoo to Zooming Career

Gyula „Julius” Sebő, the founder of Julius-K9®, used to work as a dog trainer at a young age. When he took home his first dog, a female Dobermann, his father forbade him to make a “zoo” out of their apartment.

Collar or dog harness?

A couple of decades ago, there was no question about what to put on your pet as options were limited to either a leather or chain collar. Today, however, it is easy to get lost, as one can not only choose from a number of different collars, but also from a variety of harnesses.