A nurse, working abroad in Austria, and a guitar player-turned-dog trainer, achieved that only a few Hungarians could do since the collapse of the iron curtain: they developed and manufactured domestically their own product while building a consumer love-brand popular worldwide. The Julius-K9 dog harnesses are the second most copied Hungarian inventions just after the Rubik's cube.
Military dogs on stamps

Military dogs on stamps

The coolest thing for today! Recently, the American Postal Service (USPS) has issued a new collection of stamps in the honour of military dogs. The collection features the breeds most popular in the armed forces, German Shepherd, Labrador Retriever, Malinois …

Cooler geht‘s nicht mehr!

Die Kollektion stellt den „Deutschen Schäferhund“, den „Labrador Retriever“ und den Holländischen Schäferhund „Hollandse Herder“ und den Belgischen Schäferhund „Malinois“ dar, welche die beliebtesten Hunderassen bei den Streitkräften sind.
Spot Officiel Gueules d'Anges

Spot Officiel Gueules d’Anges

L’association Gueules d’Anges, créée en 2014, a pour but de montrer le vrai visage de ces chiens qu’on dit „dangereux”. Le spot, tourné par des professionnels bénévoles, montre à travers des images très positives la vérité sur la plupart de …